Unfortunately I can't meet with you all in my Mullumbimby studio, which is almost my favourite place in the whole world. It's a little weatherboard cottage behind my home, with long French doors that open onto my veggie garden and the sunny lane behind my house. I can hear my chooks, and the ducks splashing in their pond.
I miss it. And my students.
But I can meet with you, my new students, here. This group, this community space, is for all of us. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have - anything in your course you would like more explanation of, or a technical problem that you might like some help resolving. I will be here often to answer your questions and have a chat about your projects. Please give me some feedback about the course. I'd really like to know if it met your expectations, if you enjoyed it, things you think I could improve.
I would also love for you to share photos of the work you have made, or even just the china you are using and the story there may be behind it.
As always, with any group, please be polite and respectful.